Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Feel the Freeze!

I've been doing quite a bit of editorial photography lately, but my favorite (and most unusual) shoot so far was definitely with Coach Freeze.  Jonesboro has been pumped up for the last few months about ASU's new coach and the coming football season.  When I got the call from Occasions magazine I was so thrilled, not only to photograph such a prominent Jonesboro figure but also to shoot in such an unexpected location.
We did the shoot at the Ice House on Cate Street in downtown Jonesboro, in a giant walk-in freezer.  When I first saw the location I thought, "Oh my goodness!"  Then I thought, "Trash bags".  The day of the shoot I took in one of my studio lights, to light his face and a small strobe with a blue gel, to light the ice.  I then put trash bags over every piece of equipment I brought in.  The ceiling was solid, dripping ice!!  The floor was also damp, but all of my equipment managed to survive unscathed.  
The shoot went really well, I felt.  Coach Freeze was a super nice guy, as was Sam "the Iceman".  Mr. Sam even made a special, early trip to pick up more 300 lb blocks of ice so the freezer would be full for the shoot.  
This was definitely the coolest shoot I had in August (double entendre ;-).

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