Thursday, May 26, 2011

Emerson Exploring

 I spent some time with Emerson this week.  She has just turned 4 years old and is growing up too fast.  She has the cutest little personality and I always know I'm in for a good shoot with her.  It doesn't hurt that the kid has a pretty rockin' wardrobe either. ;-)
We spent some time exploring the Craighead Forest Park, one of my favorite places in Jonesboro.  It is an amazing park and if you haven't spent any time there, you should.  When I have a shoot with a child, my goal is always to make them as happy as I can in the process.  No child will last long if you ask them to sit and be still constantly, or say cheese.  If I walk away with only a few keepers and the child has had a good time, then I consider the shoot a success.  In this case, we had way more than a few keepers... more like 80.  LOL!
Thanks again to Emerson and her mommy for a wonderful day!

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