Friday, April 1, 2011


I had a great time with Eszlee and her mommy and daddy during their session.  We went exploring in the back alleys of downtown Jonesboro.  Eszlee had a great time throwing rocks and running around, blond curls bouncing all the way.  
I love those little blond curls :).  I noticed in her gallery that there were quite a few pics of them, but I'm a sucker for the "walking away" shot.  
I also had to add the ever-present shoe photo (another one of my favorite shots).  We even managed to get Dad in there too, for some really sweet daddy/daughter photos.
Thanks guys!  Enjoy!   


  1. Oh what a darling family! You captured them all so beautifully. Great job!

  2. what a super cute family and darling little girl. Can i please have her shoes in my size? :)
    - Bloomie
